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Saturday, October 19, 2013

How to create a Blog?

how to create a blog by blogger?


A blog (also called a weblog or web log) is a website consisting of entries (also called posts) appearing in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry appearing first (similar in format to a daily journal). Blogs typically include features such as comments and links to increase user interactivity. Blogs are created using specific publishing software.

Variations of the term blog:

        Blogging : The act of writing a post for a blog.
        Blogger : A person who writes content for a blog. The online community of blogs and bloggers.

The Birth of Blogs:-

The earliest blogs started in the late 1990s as online diaries. Individuals posted information on a daily basis about their lives and opinions. The daily posts were listed in reverse date order, so readers viewed the most recent post first and scrolled through previous posts. The format provided an ongoing inner monologue from the writer.

As blogs evolved, interactive features were added to create a two-way conversation. Readers took advantage of features that allowed them to leave comments on blog posts or link to posts on other blogs and websites to further the dialogue.

Blogs Today:-

As the Internet has become more social, blogs have gained in popularity. Today, there are over 100 million blogs with more entering the blogosphere everyday. Blogs have become more than online diaries. In fact, blogging has become an important part of the online and offline worlds with popular bloggers impacting the worlds of politics, business and society with their words.
The Future of Blogs:-

It seems inevitable that blogging will become even more powerful in the future with more people and businesses recognizing the power of bloggers as online influencers. Anyone can start a blog thanks to the simple (and often free) tools readily available online. The question will likely become not, "Why should I start a blog?" but rather, "Why shouldn't I start a blog?" So, Let's start your own blog. All the best.

Step 1: Sign Up Create a Blog at

Visit the home page and select the "Create Your Blog Now" button to begin the process to start your new blog.

Step 2: Create a Google Account
If you don't already have a Google account, you'll need to create one by completing the form on this page.

Step 3: Sign In with Your Google Account

If you already have a Google account, you can bypass the "Create Google Account" step and simply sign in with your existing Google account username and password.

Step 4: Name Your New Blog

Enter the blog name and corresponding domain name (to precede '') in the spaces provided.

Step 5: Choose a Template 

Select a standard template for your new blog.

Step 6: Congratulations - Your New Blog is Active!

Your blog is now live and ready for you to start writing content.

Step 7: Write your First Post

That's all there is to it! You're now ready to write your first blog post in your new blog and Now you can write your blog post and publish it.


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So, Enjoy the Blogging Video Tutorials. I wish you all the Best. Let's Start.

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